Podkite CEO and Co-Founder Jalal
We’re speaking with Jalal, CEO of Podkite. The company first came on my radar for their podcast review service. We talk about the formation of the company, the evolution of the offerings, and their newest feature.
A recent Podcast Discovery Stats in 2020 report via The Podcast Host, showied that 40% use the search feature to discover new shows. With that in mind, Podkite has developed a way for you to research and understand your search ranking in the Apple podcast directory. With it, you’ll be able to…
- Track your show for specific keywords.
- Get insights on who your competition is.
- Get more listeners with better search ranks.
You can check it out and learn more on Podkite’s website.
You can also take a look at their Kitelinks which
- Optimize your marketing campaigns and expenses. Collect email leads.
- Track the amount of clicks on your links and players across countries and cities.
- Create fully automated episode links. No more manual copy & paste of player URLs.
We created one here.
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